Friday, February 19, 2024

Tag archives: Narges Mohammadi

Narges Mohammadi, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was sent on leave after the suspension of his prison sentence

According to Hale Vash Report/ Today, Wednesday, December 14, 1403, Narges Mohammadi, a political prisoner, Nobel Peace Prize winner and human rights activist, was sent on leave from Evin prison after the execution of his sentence was suspended. Mrs. Mohammadi, who suffers from heart diseases, lump in her chest and chronic back pain, several times from...

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Narges Mohammadi's letter from Qarchak Varamin prison

"The letter of human rights activist Narges Mohammadi from Qarchak Varamin prison with the content that I do not recognize the verdict of the Revolutionary Court" according to the report of Hal Vash news agency, quoted by Harana, "Narges Mohammadi" the spokesperson of the Human Rights Defenders Center and a political prisoner, who is currently spend…

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"Narges Mohammadi" was transferred to Qarchak and Varamin prison

Hal Vash News Agency - Narges Mohammadi, a political prisoner and human rights activist, was transferred to Garchak Varamin prison after two months of interrogation and imprisonment in the solitary cells of the detention center of the Ministry of Intelligence, known as Ward 209 of Evin. According to Hale Vash news agency, quoted by Harana, Taghi Rahmani, a political activist...

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