Wednesday, February 17, 2024


Imam Ali Hospital in Zahedan ignores the medical condition of a 14-year-old burned girl and charges 40 million Tomans to transfer her to Yazd

According to Hale Vash, today, Friday, February 12, 1403, a 14-year-old girl who suffered severe burns as a result of an accident caused by an oil heater 15 days ago was transferred to Yazd after four days of hospitalization at Imam Ali Hospital in Zahedan without receiving proper treatment, and the cost of the transfer was...

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Fulfillment of an unfulfilled wish; The graduation turban of Rumi "Omid Shahnavazi", one of the victims of Zahedan's Bloody Friday, is handed over to his father after two years

According to Hale Vash / Today, Thursday, February 11, 1403, at the graduation ceremony of the students of Darul Uloom of Makki Mosque in Zahedan, the graduation turban of Molavi "Omid Shahnavazi", a student who was shot by military forces on the Bloody Friday of Zahedan (October 28, 1401) and died, was presented to his father two years later as a…

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The street execution and execution of "Abul Bamri" are signs of systematic violations of civil rights in Balochistan

The street execution and murder of Abul Bamri, a Baloch citizen, by the military and security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran once again highlights the widespread dimensions of repression in Balochistan. This premeditated murder, which was recorded in a video released from the scene and took place in front of eyewitnesses, is a clear example of gross human rights violations, the use of …

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Video of the moment of killing "Abul Bamri", a Baloch citizen, after he was arrested and injured, with continuous shooting from a distance of two meters and in a salvo.

“Warning: This video contains very disturbing scenes.” According to Hale Vash/Today, Tuesday morning, February 29, 1403, military and security forces in the Delgan city ring road killed a Baluch citizen with a series of shots (shoot-and-run) at close range after he was injured and arrested. The identity of this …

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In official statistics, Sistan and Baluchestan has the highest inflation, poverty, unemployment, deprivation, and the lowest development index.

According to Halvash, the media in Iran criticized the lack of publication of official statistics in various sectors, including the economy and issues such as marriage and divorce, and in an analytical report, identified Sistan and Baluchestan province as the province with the highest inflation, the highest poverty rate, the highest unemployment rate, and the lowest development rate.

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