Sunday, February 21, 1403


Severe beating of one of the trustees of Iranshahr region and his son by people attributed to a Basij base commander of the IRGC

According to Hale Vash report/ on Monday, January 17, 1403, a white elder and one of the trustees of Daman and Irashanhar region along with his son, before arriving at the court hearing, filed a complaint against "Reza Azarkish", the commander of the operational base of Piranch village, Daman section of Iranshahr city. by people attributed to…

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Identity verification of 20 of at least 38 Baloch citizens arrested, following the attack of military and security forces on Nusrat Abad.

According to Hale Vash/ yesterday morning, Tuesday, January 18, 1403, following the raid and siege of areas of Nusratabad city, Zahedan city by security and military forces with dozens of military vehicles and personal license plates, at least 38 people from Nusratabad, including several women, were arrested. So far, 20 tons...

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Violent arrest of at least 38 Baloch citizens, including several women, following the attack of military and security forces on Nusratabad, Zahedan city.

According to Hale Vash/Bammad on Tuesday, January 18, 1403, following the raid and siege of areas of Nusratabad city, Zahedan city by the security and military forces with dozens of military vehicles and personal license plates, at least 38 people from Nusratabad, including several women, were arrested and sent to Zahedan. And an unknown place...

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The pension of hundreds of Baloch patients was cut off by the relief committee in Delgan city; Concern about the continuation of the trend until the end of the year

According to the current report of Vash, today, Wednesday, January 19, 1403, since the last two months, the relief committee in Delgan city has stopped the pensions of hundreds of Baloch patients. This trend has been observed not only in the city, but also in other regions of Sistan and Baluchistan province and other cities and has caused many concerns.

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