According to Hale Vash, today, Thursday, January 17, 1403, the gas piping work for the Makki Mosque in Zahedan, which began a long time ago and was recently completed, has remained fruitless despite the completion of the project due to obstruction by security officials, and the gas administration has refused to connect gas to this religious place.
Read more »Dissatisfaction of prisoners in the open-ended section of Zahedan Central Prison with the performance of the worker
According to Hale Vash, today, Thursday, January 17, 1403, a group of prisoners in the open voting section of Zahedan Central Prison protested against the performance of the section's assistant, Mr. Nikfarjam, and demanded that the authorities immediately address their problems. According to Hale Vash sources: "The assistant of the open voting section, Mr. Nikfarjam, in performing his administrative duties...
Read more »Three days until the execution of a Baloch prisoner in Zahedan Central Prison if the blood money is not paid
According to Hale Vash, today, Tuesday, January 15, 1403, a Baloch prisoner who committed murder at the age of 21 in 2018 in a neighborhood dispute and is serving time in Zahedan Central Prison, will be released from prison on January 18, equivalent to three more days, with the time set by the victim's family.
Read more »A Baloch fuel tanker was injured by police shooting at the Rotak border, Mirjaveh County.
According to Hale Vash/ Today, Tuesday, January 15, 1403, law enforcement forces in the Rotak area of Mirjaveh city opened fire on an empty fuel tanker without stopping or warning. The driver was injured by a bullet. The identity of the driver of the vehicle is "Afshin Gamshadzehi", about 18 years old...
Read more »Military forces tear up documents of a Baloch citizen after he failed to pay a bribe
According to Hale Vash/ Today, Tuesday, January 15, 1403, the military forces of the Hichan region checkpoint in Nikshahr city, after seizing a car and demanding a bribe from the driver, proceeded to tear up the citizen's identification documents and car when the driver did not pay the requested amount. The driver's identity, "Aslam ...
Read more »No information about two Baloch citizens arrested after the raid of the security forces in Nusratabad, Zahedan, along with at least 38 people.
According to Hale Vash report, today, Monday, January 24, 1403, two Baloch citizens who were arrested by the security and military forces following the attack and siege of Nusratabad, Zahedan city on January 18, six days later, they are still in custody and missing. From the exact location…
Read more »The death of a Baloch citizen following the shooting of military forces in Khash city
According to Hale Vash report/ Last night, Sunday, January 23, 1403, a Baloch citizen was hit by several bullets and died after military forces fired at a towed wrecked car in Jozhak area, located in Khash city. The identity of this citizen "Arif...
Read more »Zahedan Bloody Friday Court: The guilty agents were acquitted and sentenced to ten years in prison
According to Hale Vash report/ Today, Sunday, January 23, 1403, the Chief Justice of Sistan and Baluchistan province, while explaining the latest situation of the "Bloody Friday Zahedan" case, announced that the officers who were wanted on charges of intentional murder, were acquitted of the death penalty and Payment of the ransom and a maximum of 10...
Read more »The release of more than 30 of at least 38 Baloch citizens arrested in Nusrat Abad from Zahedan Central Prison
According to Hale Vash report/ This evening, Saturday, January 22, 1403, more than 30 Baloch citizens were arrested by the security and military forces in the morning of Tuesday, January 18, following the attack and siege of areas of Nusratabad city, Zahedan city, after five A day out of prison...
Read more »"Omar Darstaran", a Baloch student, was arrested by the security forces in Rask after being transferred to the IRGC intelligence detention center for three months.
According to Hale Vash report, today, Saturday, January 22, 1403, 82 days have passed, equivalent to two months and twenty-two days, since the transfer of "Omar Darstaran", one of the detained students of the religious school of the former city and one of the former students of Maulvi Naqshbandi, to the Zahedan intelligence detention center. For interrogation, information about his condition...
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