Sunday, February 21, 1403

Two Baloch citizens killed by armed robbers in Nikshahr city

According to Hale Vash, on the morning of Friday, February 25, 1403, two Baloch citizens were shot and killed during a chase with armed robbers who had robbed the railway company in the village of Kashig in Nikshahr city.

The identities of the two killed citizens, "Mahmoud Balochi", approximately 20 years old, son of Dost Mohammad, and "Hamzeh Balochi", approximately 25 years old, son of Murad Khan, both residents of Kashig village in Nikshahr city, have been confirmed by Halash.

According to current sources: "In the early hours of this morning, around 5:00, a group of armed robbers in two cars robbed the railway company in the village of Kashig. The company's guard called his relatives for help. These people participated in the pursuit of the robbers and managed to stop one of the robbers' cars in the village of Sargarani, a few kilometers from the robbery site. However, the armed robbers shot at the pursuers, killing two of them."

Local sources added: "After the shooting, the thieves fled the scene in one car, and their other car, which remained at the scene, was handed over to the police this morning."

Baloch activists believe that the increase in organized robberies in this province is an attempt by the IRGC to make the region look unsafe. According to them, these measures are aimed at justifying a wider military presence, increasing control over the lives and property of Baloch citizens through military encounters, and receiving large budgets.

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