Wednesday, February 17, 2024

The continued absence and disappearance of a Baloch citizen without an identity card, arrested and deported to Afghanistan in Zahedan

According to Halewash, today, Thursday, February 25, 1403, a Baloch citizen who was applying for identity documents, who was arrested by military forces in Zahedan on December 25, 1403 and deported to Afghanistan without informing his family, is still missing after one month and twenty-five days, equivalent to 55 days, and his family is extremely concerned about his health.

The identity of this Baloch citizen, "Khalil Brahui", the son of Hossein, a native and resident of Zahedan, has been confirmed by his state of affairs.

Current sources had previously said: "Khalil was arrested by military forces in Zahedan on December 29, 2019, and transferred to Al-Ghadir camp in Zahedan. Then, despite having a birth certificate, he was sent to Afghanistan without informing his family. During this time, his family has not been able to receive a response from the authorities after contacting all relevant military institutions and government agencies."

The sources further added: "Upon request from the Al-Ghadir camp officials, they informed that a person with this identity was handed over to the camp under the guise of a foreign national after being arrested by military forces and then sent to this country along with other Afghan citizens."

Now, 55 days after this citizen's arrest and deportation, there is no information about his fate.

It is worth noting that in the last two years, after the protests in Balochistan, many Baloch citizens without birth certificates and even people who had identity documents were arrested by the military and security agencies as foreigners and crossed the border without informing their families. Some of these people have managed to return to the country, but according to reports, some of them have died in their destination countries or are still trying to return to Iran.

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