Sunday, February 18, 2024

Continued detention of four Baloch citizens, including three brothers, in Zahedan Central Prison and physical and mental torture

According to Hale Vash, today, Friday, January 18, 1403, four Baloch citizens, including three brothers and the family's son-in-law, were arrested by military forces in Zabol on December 28 of this year on suspicion of murder and after 40 days were transferred to the Zahedan Intelligence Department and subjected to severe torture. Yesterday, they were transferred to the city's central prison.

The identities of these four Baloch citizens, "Mahmoud Brahui", 28 years old, "Azizullah Brahui", 45 years old, married with six children, "Hossein Brahui", 40 years old, married with four children, all three brothers and sons of Mohammad, from and residing in Zabol, and "Mohammad Amiri", 28 years old, son of Jalal, married with three children, son-in-law of this family, from and residing in Zahedan, have been confirmed by Halash.

According to current sources: "On December 28, these four people were arrested in a military raid on the house of Hossein Brahui in Zabol. After being transferred to the detention center of the Zabol Intelligence Department, they were subjected to severe torture to extract a forced confession. After 40 days, on the orders of the investigator of the first branch of Zabol, Mr. Khajeh, they were transferred to the Zahedan Intelligence Department, and in the Zahedan Intelligence Department, these people were tortured again, and Mahmoud Brahui lost consciousness as a result of this torture."

According to sources, "Mohammad Amiri, the son-in-law of this family, was a resident of Zahedan and had recently traveled to Zabol to visit his family and treat his wife's illness. All four have faced charges including murder and membership in anti-regime groups. They have denied these charges throughout the interrogation process and have described their arrest as the case investigator's stubbornness."

Sources added that the 65-year-old mother of the three brothers, after going to court to follow up on the status of her children, was threatened and disrespected by the investigator of the first branch of Zabol, Mr. Khajeh, and was threatened with arrest.

It is worth noting that these four Baloch citizens announced in a short call on Thursday, January 17, that they had been transferred from the Zahedan Intelligence Department detention center to the city's central prison and announced that they were banned from visiting.

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