Monday, February 29, 1403

Afghan workers forced to work by the Jalig Corps under threat of deportation

According to Halewash, today, Friday, January 18, 1403, the forces of the Revolutionary Guards have systematically collected Afghan workers from construction sites and workshops in the city and are forcibly employing these workers to build the IRGC building in the city.

According to current sources: "These actions are being carried out under the management of the head of the Resistance Basij of the Jalig Corps, with the possible identity of "Mehdi Ebrahimzadeh," and his deputy, "Herati," who is from Zabul."

According to local sources, IRGC forces are entering workshops and construction projects where Afghan workers are working and transferring them without their consent to a three-story building under construction by the IRGC. Employers who object to this action face the threat of arrest and filing a case for using unauthorized workers.

A local source told Ha'al-Wash: "Afghan workers are threatened with deportation if they refuse to work for the IRGC. Many of these workers are forced to work on this project due to fear of losing their jobs and being expelled from the country."

These actions are not only a clear violation of human and moral rights, but also against labor laws and the rights of refugees in Iran. Instead of using legal methods and hiring local labor or paying fair wages and benefits, the IRGC uses threats and coercion to advance its projects.

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