Sunday, February 18, 2024

Baloch singer Saeed Pardis killed and a pedestrian injured after being shot by unknown gunmen in Mirjaveh

According to Hale Vash, today, Thursday, January 17, 1403, a few hours ago, a young singer was shot by unknown gunmen in his shop in Mirjaveh city and died instantly. A pedestrian who was present at the scene of the incident was also shot in the leg and injured.

The identity of the killed Baloch citizen, "Saeed Ganguzhi", 28, with the stage name "Saeed Pardis", son of Abdul Rahim, a native and resident of Mirjaveh city, has been confirmed by Halash, and the identity of the injured citizen is unknown at the time of writing this report.

According to current sources: "This afternoon, around 2:30 PM, armed men in a car stormed Saeed's cosmetics shop and shot him directly and repeatedly. He was hit by several bullets and died instantly. During the incident, a pedestrian was also shot in the leg and injured."

It is worth mentioning that Saeed Ganguzhi is a famous and popular Balochi singer in the Sarhad region.

As of the time of writing, there is no information available about the identity and motive of the attackers or the condition of the injured pedestrian.

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