Friday, February 19, 2024

Execution of at least one Sunni prisoner in Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad

According to Hale Vash/Sahargah today, Thursday, December 22, 1403, the death sentence of at least one Sunni prisoner who was previously sentenced to death for drug-related charges was executed in Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad.

The identity of this prisoner; "Abdulkarim Shoukti Timuri", 35 years old, dear son with two children, resident of Shurestan village, Saleh Abad city, Khorasan Razavi, has been verified by his status.

According to current sources: "Abdul Karim was arrested and sentenced to death in 1401 for drug-related charges, and his sentence was executed this morning."

Sources said: "Abdul Karim was transferred from the general prison to solitary confinement yesterday. He has repeatedly denied the charges brought against him in court, but the judge hearing the case has given him the death sentence regardless of his defenses."

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