Tuesday, February 30, 1403

Injuring a Baloch citizen by robbers armed with cold weapons in Zahedan

According to Hale Vash report/ Yesterday evening, Tuesday, December 13, 1403, a Baloch citizen was injured with stab wounds after resisting the theft of his motorcycle by robbers armed with cold weapons in Kausar Zahedan area.

At the moment of writing this report, the identity of this Baloch citizen has not been determined.

According to current sources: "Three robbers armed with cold weapons attempted to steal a citizen's motorcycle near the Osmani Mosque in Kosar region. When he resisted, he was stabbed in the hand. "The robbers fled from the place after creating noise and before the presence of people."

Baloch activists believe that the increase in organized robberies in this province is an attempt by the IRGC to make the region look unsafe. According to them, these measures are aimed at justifying a wider military presence, increasing control over the lives and property of Baloch citizens through military encounters, and receiving large budgets.

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