Thursday, February 18, 2024

Transferring three prisoners, including two Baloch prisoners, to solitary confinement in Ghazalhisar prison to execute the death sentence


According to Hale Vash report/ Today, Monday, October 16, 1403, at least three prisoners, including two Baloch prisoners who were previously sentenced to death due to drug-related charges, have been transferred to solitary confinement in Ghazal Hesar prison to execute the death sentence.

The identities of these two Baloch prisoners, 33-year-old Ahmad Naravii, son of Anwar, and 31-year-old Mohammad Ishaqzahi, son of Yusuf, both from Zahedan, have been confirmed by Hale Vash.

The identity of the third prisoner, who was also sentenced to death on drug-related charges, is not known at the time of writing the report.

According to current sources: "Ahmad and Mohammad were arrested in a joint case together with three others in 2019 on drug-related charges in Tehran and were sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court of this city. 4 unit 2 of Ghazalhasar Prison have been transferred to the solitary cell of this prison to execute the death sentence and their families have also been called to this prison for the last meeting tomorrow at noon.

According to the reports of the highest human rights organizations, Baloch citizens have the highest execution rate in Iran, while the population of this oppressed minority is about five to six percent of the country's population, and most of those executed are under drug-related charges and from the weaker sections of the society who are dependent. One or more large families have been in charge.

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