Friday, February 19, 2024

The execution of a Baloch prisoner in Zahedan Central Prison on the charge of killing a Basiji member

According to Hale Vash/Sahargah today, Thursday, July 28, 1403, the death sentence of a Baloch prisoner for the murder of a Basij member who was previously sentenced to death was executed in Zahedan Central Prison.

The identity of this Baloch prisoner: "Idris Jamshidzehi", about 45 years old, the son of Karambek, has five children and lives in the village of Tigh Ap, Iranshahr, has been verified by the state of Vash.

According to current sources, Idris was arrested in Iranshahr in 2016 on charges of murdering a local Basij commander and a friend of Qassem Soleimani named Seyyed Abdul Karim Sajjadi, and was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court of Zahedan Criminal Branch Two. The center of Zahedan has been approved.

Sources added: "Idris Fero was a Sufi and religious man who was engaged in farming in his village and after being arrested, he was forced to confess under torture, but despite this, he repeatedly denied the accusations against him in court."

It should be mentioned that Seyyed Abdul Karim Sajjadi was one of the local agents of Basij and IRGC in Bozman and Iranshahr region, who was trying to recruit Baloch youths to go to the Syrian war under the title of defender of the shrine. He died in front of his house located on Taleghani street in Iranshahr in Farudin month of 2016.

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