Saturday, February 10, 2024

Execution of a Baloch prisoner in Qain prison of South Khorasan province without informing the family

According to Hahal/Sahargah, on Thursday, July 15, 1403, the death sentence of a Baloch prisoner who was previously sentenced to death on drug charges was executed without a last meeting with his family in Qain prison in South Khorasan province.

The identity of this prisoner: "Nasir Rahimi (Rochshani)" 32 years old from Zahedan, resident of Mashhad, married and has one child, was established through the information base.

According to current sources: "Nasser was arrested in 1400 on drug charges in the city of Qain and was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court of this city and one day before the execution of the sentence (Tuesday, 5th Hijri). month) was transferred from room 4 of Salamat Qain Prison to Qarantia Prison and his death sentence was carried out at dawn on Wednesday.

These sources added: Nasir's death sentence was issued without informing the family and the last meeting with them.

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