Saturday, February 17, 2024

Khamenei's representative's lawyer in Sistan and Baluchistan insulted Maulvi Abdul Hamid: "With what sense do you say these words?"

According to the current report of Vash, Ali Khamenei's representative in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, Mustafa Mahami, after the Friday prayer sermons on April 17, 1403, regarding the words of Maulvi Abdul Hamid regarding the conflict between Jaish al-Adl and the military in the cities of Rask and Chabahar, called the parties to a discussion. had invited, he reacted and said: "With what sense do you say these words?"

Mustafa Mhamami said: "Foreign nationals have invaded our land with the help of gangs who are the agents of arrogance and have targeted our independence and progress."

Khamenei's representative added: "It is interesting that some talk about dialogue! It means to talk with the enemy who has attacked the homeland and honor! While the aggressors on Iranian soil should be dealt with with authority. With what reason do they say these things?! Regional mercenaries should be severely punished so that they do not dare to repeat such crimes."

It should be mentioned that earlier, Zabul's Shiite lawyer and Friday imam had insulted and insulted this prominent Sunni scholar and Baloch people regarding Maulvi Abdul Hamid's positions.

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