Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gohar Eshghi, Sattar Beheshti's mother to Molavi Abdul Hamid: "These are not correct"

According to Hale Vash report/ Today, Saturday, April 18, 1403, the Instagram page of Mrs. Gohar Eshghi, the mother of Sattar Beheshti, published a message addressed to Maulvi Abdul Hamid as follows:

"Dear brother of Maulvi Abdul Hamid,

I say hello to you. I have been following your Friday sermons in Makkah Mosque for many years and I am very interested in your personality and the clarity of your accent!

Dear brother! I heard that in your recent sermon, you advised the government to listen to the voice of the people before it's too late. I have to tell you that this house is completely ruined.

For forty years, they have not heard the voice of the people at all, and whenever the people wanted to reach their deaf ears, they answered the people with clubs, bullets, torture and prison.

My dear brother! You know very well that Khamenei Alil is thirsty for the blood of all of us. How many people of Balochistan did he kill on that bloody Friday? Do you think his conscience hurt a bit? Does this person and his actions have a conscience at all? By God they don't have.

I remember that a reporter asked Sadegh Khalkhali the same thing. He said, do you sleep well at night with all the killings and executions you did? Khalkhali said that if you let me sleep like a baby now! Yes, dear brother.. If these people had a conscience, they wouldn't even be able to breathe with all their crimes! Now, this sick tyrant will not rest until he kills 70 million people of the country and rides the remaining 10 million tame people.

You know better how much the Islamic Republic is thirsty for the blood of the Baloch, Kurd, Ler and all Iranian ethnic groups.

This delusional person just wants to leave his cursed throne to the fat-necked Mojtaba. It does not seek to modify anything or, as you say, fundamental changes.

They are over the moon. Advising them is like Yasin reading to the ears of a donkey! How much did they want to disgrace you? They even planned to kill you, but thank God it didn't happen.

Dear Maulvi! You yourself know better than me, mother, what kind of monsters we are dealing with. Talking and compromising with this government has no effect. For forty-five years, wise and trustworthy people gave them advice and advice. they demanded what happened One day they announced the reforms, one day they pulled the fundamentalists out of the fund and wanted to make fun of these painful people... In my opinion, the expiration date of these has expired a long time ago.

Now that their feet are in the grave and people hate Khamenei and his regime, it is necessary to hold the backs of these brave young men so that they can kill this germ of corruption themselves.

Our problem in these years has not been one or two. Dear brother, these are not true, and as the old saying goes, the sun is the cost of soldering. I know that your heart is with the people. May God increase your life and dignity and keep you. After the fall of this hideous government, we need all those whose words are the words of the people's hearts. I, the mother, am constantly praying for the suffering and oppressed people of Balochistan. For the orphans and the families of those killed on Bloody Friday of Zahedan.

I hope this year will be the year of fundamental changes and the fall of the corrupt government

Your bereaved sister

gem of love"

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