Sunday, February 21, 1403

Hedayatullah Notizehi Nia, a Baloch citizen, was released on bail from Zahedan prison after 417 days.

According to Hale Vash report/ Today, Wednesday March 23, 1402, "Hidaytullah Notizehi Nia (Mohammed Zahi)", a Baloch citizen, was arrested by the security forces on February 1, 1401 for his activities in cyberspace and supporting the victims of the protests. After one year and one month, 22 days equal to 417 days were released from Zahedan Central Prison after posting bail.

"Hidaytullah Notizehi Nia (Mohammed Zahi)" 38 years old, Hashem's married son with four children, and a resident of Minoui village, Kurin district, Zahedan city, has been verified by Hale Vash.

Current sources had said about his arrest: "Hedayatullah was arrested on Saturday 1st of Bahman 1401, at his residence in Minoui village of Korin district."

According to current information, the security agents had detained him under the pretext of Hedayatullah's activities in cyberspace and Instagram in support of the victims of the Bloody Fridays of Zahedan and Khash and the protests.


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