Saturday, February 10, 2024

The death of an 18-year-old Baloch student after three days of detention by IRGC intelligence in Zahedan

According to the current report of Vash, an 18-year-old Baloch student who was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces in Zahedan on Tuesday, 10 Bahman 1402, due to his activities in cyberspace, died.

The identity of this young Baloch student, Sepehr Shirani, 18 years old, the son of Dr. Ali from Fanouch and a resident of Zahedan, has been verified by Hale Vash.

According to current sources, Sepehr was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces in Zahedan on Tuesday, the 10th of Bahman, due to his activities in cyberspace, and today his family was contacted that Sepehr has lost his life.

It should be mentioned that until now, the security forces and the judicial system have not given an answer to his family about the main cause of the death of this arrested young Baloch student, and his body is in the possession of IRGC information until now.

This news will be updated.

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