Wednesday, February 24, 1403

Continuation of detention and ignorance of the condition of Abdul Malik Gargij, son of Maulvi Gargij, after 24 days

According to Vash's current report, Abdul Malik Gergij, the eldest son of Maulvi Mohammad Hossein Gergij, who on October 20, 1402,

He was arrested along with his father and a number of other Galigash people on the way from Fazel Abad to Galigash by the security forces who were waiting for them in advance. After 24 days, he is still missing.

"Maulvi Gargij along with his son Abdul Malik and a number of Galiksh residents in the Fazel Abad axis and in Azadshahr road police stopped their car by the military and security forces who were waiting for them in advance and after the search and search, which also met with the protest of the citizens present. And they arrested his child without any crime and took them with them.

Previously, a source close to Maulvi Gergij told Haleh Vash about the main reason for his son's arrest: "The arrest of Maulvi Gergij's son by the security agencies was done without any crime or reason, only with the aim of pressuring him to stop giving critical speeches. against the Islamic Republic.

It should be mentioned that Abdul Malik is the son of Maulvi Gargij and the head of his office.

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