Sunday, February 18, 2024

Daily free accommodation of several thousands of Pakistani pilgrims in Chabahar Free Zone and at the same time problems of local citizens to travel to other cities

According to Hale Vash/ In the last few days, several videos of the presence of Pakistani pilgrims who are going to Mashhad have been published, allocating all the tickets of the Chabahar terminal by the order of the supply council for these people has caused many problems for the local people and patients to travel to other parts of the province. and the country has become

According to the published video, every day thousands of Pakistani pilgrims who are going to Mashhad are transferred to Chabahar through Rimdan border and they are given free services in the free trade zone of this city and even sports halls and exhibitions, and then they go to Mashhad. All the tickets of Chabahar terminal have been reserved for them and they have refused to provide services to local people.

It should be noted that according to the government media, nearly 60% of the indigenous people of Chabahar are marginalized and live in huts with minimal facilities, and from time to time the military forces burn the huts of these poor people, while foreign visitors with The best facilities and services are welcomed by government agencies.

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