Thursday, February 18, 2024

Protest gathering of Zahedan municipality workers due to non-payment of salaries

According to Hale Vash report, this morning, Saturday, August 21, 1402, the workers of Zahedan municipality staged a protest rally in front of the municipality of the capital of the province due to non-payment of their salaries for several months.

According to Hale Vash's sources: "The workers of Zahedan Municipality of Green Space have not received their salaries since May of this year, and they have not been given a proper response after repeated follow-ups, and this morning they gathered in front of the municipality of the provincial capital in Zahedan city to protest against the non-payment of salaries. They asked for their request to be addressed, but still no one responded, and they have threatened to expel the people who gathered in front of this center."

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