Thursday, February 18, 2024

The arrest of a Baloch citizen by the agents of the intelligence department in Saravan

According to Hale Vash report, on Wednesday, August 18, 1402, in addition to arresting a Baloch citizen, the intelligence forces went to his home and searched his home belongings in a mechanic shop located on Imam Khomeini Street in Saravan.

The identity of this Baloch citizen "Mohammed Asif Darzadeh", about 36 years old, the son of Jangyan, has a ten-year-old son, a resident of Saravan, has been verified by Hale Vash.

According to Hale Vash sources: "On Wednesday, Mohammad Asif was arrested by the occupants of several cars, the agents of the Saravan Intelligence Department in a mechanic where he had gone to repair his car, and then they took him to his home and searched his home as well. His house was searched and moved to an unknown place, and when the family went to the Saravan Intelligence Department, no one responded and declared that they did not know where he was kept, and some said that he was transferred to the Zahedan Intelligence Detention Center.

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