Friday, February 16, 1403

A Baloch citizen was killed by unknown armed people in Iranshahr

According to the report of Vash/Evening tonight, Tuesday, July 27, 1402, following the shooting of unknown armed persons in front of a house on Imam Ali Street in Iranshahr, a Baloch citizen was seriously injured by several bullets and died after being taken to the hospital.

The identity of this Baloch citizen, "Yaser Rigi", 27 years old, son of Nasser living in Iranshahr, has been verified by Hale Vash.

According to current sources: "In the evening, several armed men shot at Yaser in front of a house on Aman Ali Street, and he was seriously injured by several bullets in the upper heart, side and leg, and died in Khatam Al Anbia Hospital in Iranshahr. has lost

It is said that Yasser's younger brother named Arman was also taken hostage by the assailants.

There is no information about the identity and motive of the unknown armed men until the time of writing the news.

According to the annual report of Hale Vash in 1401, 243 Baloch citizens were killed by direct fire by military forces and unknown armed persons who are affiliated with the military apparatus.

Contact us: @haal_vsh


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