Saturday, February 10, 2024

Hossein Thouri, the head of the Iranian Boxing Federation, joined the ranks of the people

According to Hossein Thouri, the president of the Iranian Boxing Federation joined the ranks of the people in protest against the suppression and killing of protesters in Iran by the Islamic Republic.

Hossein Thouri, who is from Zahedan, announced during the world youth competition hosted by Spain, while expressing strong criticism of the Islamic Republic and sympathizing with the protesters, that he will not return to Iran.

He emphasized that he has torn the bails of billions taken from the members of the national youth team to participate in the World Championships in Alicante, Spain, and that if the team members decide to stay, they will not have a problem with the bails.

Following the killing of Baloch citizens on Black Friday of Balochistan (October 8, 1401), he criticized the killing of people by the Islamic Republic in an Instagram post on his personal page, and for that, he was severely pressured and threatened by security institutions.

Mr. Thori reminded that legally and from the point of view of the World Boxing Association, he is still the president of the Boxing Federation and calls himself the president of the Free Iran Boxing Federation.

It should be noted that during his presidency in the Boxing Federation, Iran was awarded the first gold medal in the history of 90 years by another Baloch boxer named Daniyal Shahbakhsh from Shirabad, Zahedan.

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