Monday, February 12, 2024

The arrest of a Sunni teacher for protesting the killing of Zahedan people by security agents in Khaf city

According to Hale Vash report, on Monday, November 16, 1401, a teacher and art photographer was arrested and taken to an unknown place by security agents in Khaf city located in Razavi Khorasan for protesting the killing of Zahedan people.

The identity of this geography teacher and art photographer "Mohammed Ramezani", 26 years old, married with two young daughters and from Khaf city, has been verified by Hale Vash.

According to an informed source, "Ramadan was arrested by security agents in front of his residence on Monday, November 16, and transferred to an unknown place."

The source added: "Mr. Ramezani has been arrested by security agents for declaring his support for Maulana Abdul Hamid and condemning the killing of the people of Zahedan and Iran in the recent protests, and he suffers from severe vision problems, and his family is worried about his health."

There is no information about the whereabouts and condition of this Sunni teacher until the moment of writing the report.

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