Monday, February 12, 2024

Arrest of two Baloch citizens, including a child, by plainclothes officers in Zahedan

According to Hale Vash report, two Baloch citizens, including a child under 18 years of age, were arrested by plainclothes officers in Zahedan and taken to an unknown place.

The identity of these two Baloch citizens "Bilal Naroi" 23 years old and "Sohail Naroi" 16 years old from Zahedan has been verified by Hale Vash.

According to an informed source, these two citizens were driving a car after Friday prayers on Zahedan University Street, when they were arrested by plainclothes officers without reason.

There is no information about the whereabouts and condition of these citizens until the moment of preparing the report.

It is worth mentioning that following the recent protests in Sistan and Baluchistan, a large number of citizens have been arrested without reason and against the legal procedure, and the fate of many of them is unknown.

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