Saturday, February 17, 2024

The body of a 6-year-old Baloch child who had been missing for a few days was discovered

The body of a 6-year-old Baloch child who had been missing in Mirjaveh for a few days was found by the people.

According to Hale Vash news agency, today, June 15, 1401, the body of a 6-year-old Baloch child who went missing in Mirjaveh city a few days ago was discovered today by local people in Rig Malik area.

According to this report, the identity of this child is "Mohammed Gumshadzehi", the son of Yusuf, 6 years old, and the nephew of Maulvi Dadullah Gumshadzehi, a well-known scholar from Mirjaveh city.

It is said that this child had been missing for a few days, and today, after a lot of searching by local people, his body was found in the sandy border area of ​​the property under a yew tree that was buried in the surface.

There are also speculations that this child was kidnapped by a person or persons and then killed.

There is no information about the cause of this child's murder and the identity of the perpetrators until the moment of writing the news.

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