Thursday, February 18, 2024

A Chabahari citizen's strong protest against the high price and the authorities' lack of attention and proper action for market conditions

A citizen of Chabahari protested by publishing a file in the cyberspace about the rampant high prices and the authorities' lack of attention to the market.

According to Hale Vash news agency, a citizen in Chabahar city strongly protested by publishing a file about the high price of essential goods and people's problems and waiting in line to buy livelihood goods.

Based on what this citizen said to the authorities; The people of Chabahar city are facing many problems to procure essential commodities like oil, sugar, and other essential items, especially with the coming of Ramadan, and they have lost the ability to procure and buy their livelihood.

It is said that recently the basic goods needed by the citizens of Chabahari have become scarce, so that people have to wait in long queues for several hours to get some items despite paying exorbitant prices.

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