Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Nowruz message of the prisoner "Samad Rigi", a civil activist who is known in cyberspace as the voice of Balochistan, from Zahedan Central Prison.

According to Hale Vash News Agency/ Today, Saturday, March 29, 1400, the prisoner Samad Rigi, a young Baloch activist and civil activist, who was arrested by the security forces on 17 Bahman 1400, after being summoned to the courthouse, audio file in a phone call outside the prison. He sent New Year's greetings to all his compatriots and wished him a year full of happiness and kindness.

In a part of the audio file, Mr. Samad Rigi mentions the transfer of billions of Tomans from the budget of Sistan and Baluchistan Province to another province and says: Hearing this news has upset him and his colleagues.

He goes on to say: Where are those who claim to defend the rights of the oppressed people of the province, who raise their heads and tear their throats to collect votes in times of need, and claim that they defend the rights of you people, but then in Silence, they spend the distance of their appointment in an elected position.

Mr. Rigi likened this work of spending the budget to taking hostages and called silence in front of such work illegal.

Also, Mr. Rigi read how he was arrested and condemned for not remaining silent in the face of such actions and said: When people like us do not remain silent, dozens of cases will be filed against us, and with accusations such as action against national security, disturbing the public mind and spreading lies. we face

Mr. Rigi stated the insecurities and the reason for the existence of false and risky jobs is the lack of attention of the officials.

Samad Rigi also asked the director general of justice of the province and the prosecutor of Zahedan to enter into this case of misappropriation of the provincial budget and punish the culprits and sentence them to prison.

In the end, he told the prison council that he did not agree to his leave and asked his family not to follow up on granting him leave because they will not give him leave.

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