Saturday, February 17, 2024

The perpetrators of the murder and hostage taking of Shahab Kiazehi were arrested eighty days after Gharib.

According to Hale Vash news agency/ Yesterday, Saturday March 7, 1400, the perpetrators of the murder and hostage taking of 35-year-old Shahab Kiazehi from Babskan village of Sarbaz city, who was killed on December 18 of this year after being kidnapped by unknown persons, were arrested.

The deputy police chief of Sistan and Baluchistan said: The perpetrators of the murder of a 35-year-old man were identified and arrested after 3 months of living in secret.

Colonel Morteza Jokar stated: On December 18 of this year, a 35-year-old man left his home and did not return home. After following up with his family and additional police investigations, it was determined that this man was kidnapped by unknown people in the city. Bampour was murdered and his body was buried in the surrounding deserts of Bozman district of Iranshahr city.

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