Sunday, February 21, 1403

Summoning one of the students of Azizia Anza Seminary to the Information Department

One of the students of Azizia Anza seminary in Sarbaz city was summoned to the Rask Information Office.

According to Hale Vash News Agency / citing the campaign of Baloch activists, on Saturday 2nd of Bahman, 1400, one of the students of Azizia Anza religious school in Sarbaz city was summoned to the intelligence office of Rask city.

The identity of this Sunni religious activist has been stated as "Zakaria Hammali".

An informed source in a conversation with "Kalme" reporter said: "The interrogators asked him about his activities and participation in virtual groups."

In this report, it is said that in the last few months, the security forces have increased the pressure on Sunni religious activists and schools.

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