Thursday, February 18, 2024

The risk of destruction of the earthen dam in the historical village of Tis, Chabahar

According to Hale Vash News Agency/ from Chabahar, heavy and unprecedented rains in the southern part of Sistan and Baluchistan province caused floods and inundation of urban and rural roads, while some dams are also at risk of destruction.

It is said that the earthen dam of Tis village is in danger of destruction due to the failure of the discharge valve.

According to the reports, the fact that the dam has been dry for several years and that it has not been restored, as well as the capacity of the dam being completed, has increased the possibility of its destruction.
It is said that because the dam valve is blocked with soil, wood and stone, the evacuation process is not done properly and completely.

It should be noted that Tis dam is located in the northeast of the village, which seriously threatens most of the center of the village and the historical places of Tis village.

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